Recently deep neural networks, which require a large amount of annotated samples, have been widely applied in nuclei instance segmentation of H\&E stained pathology images. However, it is inefficient and unnecessary to label all pixels for a dataset of nuclei images which usually contain similar and redundant patterns. Although unsupervised and semi-supervised learning methods have been studied for nuclei segmentation, very few works have delved into the selective labeling of samples to reduce the workload of annotation. Thus, in this paper, we propose a novel full nuclei segmentation framework that chooses only a few image patches to be annotated, augments the training set from the selected samples, and achieves nuclei segmentation in a semi-supervised manner. In the proposed framework, we first develop a novel consistency-based patch selection method to determine which image patches are the most beneficial to the training. Then we introduce a conditional single-image GAN with a component-wise discriminator, to synthesize more training samples. Lastly, our proposed framework trains an existing segmentation model with the above augmented samples. The experimental results show that our proposed method could obtain the same-level performance as a fully-supervised baseline by annotating less than 5% pixels on some benchmarks.
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Disentangled representation learning remains challenging as ground truth factors of variation do not naturally exist. To address this, we present Vocabulary Disentanglement Retrieval~(VDR), a simple yet effective retrieval-based disentanglement framework that leverages nature language as distant supervision. Our approach is built upon the widely-used bi-encoder architecture with disentanglement heads and is trained on data-text pairs that are readily available on the web or in existing datasets. This makes our approach task- and modality-agnostic with potential for a wide range of downstream applications. We conduct experiments on 16 datasets in both text-to-text and cross-modal scenarios and evaluate VDR in a zero-shot setting. With the incorporation of disentanglement heads and a minor increase in parameters, VDR achieves significant improvements over the base retriever it is built upon, with a 9% higher on NDCG@10 scores in zero-shot text-to-text retrieval and an average of 13% higher recall in cross-modal retrieval. In comparison to other baselines, VDR outperforms them in most tasks, while also improving explainability and efficiency.
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The mainstream of the existing approaches for video prediction builds up their models based on a Single-In-Single-Out (SISO) architecture, which takes the current frame as input to predict the next frame in a recursive manner. This way often leads to severe performance degradation when they try to extrapolate a longer period of future, thus limiting the practical use of the prediction model. Alternatively, a Multi-In-Multi-Out (MIMO) architecture that outputs all the future frames at one shot naturally breaks the recursive manner and therefore prevents error accumulation. However, only a few MIMO models for video prediction are proposed and they only achieve inferior performance due to the date. The real strength of the MIMO model in this area is not well noticed and is largely under-explored. Motivated by that, we conduct a comprehensive investigation in this paper to thoroughly exploit how far a simple MIMO architecture can go. Surprisingly, our empirical studies reveal that a simple MIMO model can outperform the state-of-the-art work with a large margin much more than expected, especially in dealing with longterm error accumulation. After exploring a number of ways and designs, we propose a new MIMO architecture based on extending the pure Transformer with local spatio-temporal blocks and a new multi-output decoder, namely MIMO-VP, to establish a new standard in video prediction. We evaluate our model in four highly competitive benchmarks (Moving MNIST, Human3.6M, Weather, KITTI). Extensive experiments show that our model wins 1st place on all the benchmarks with remarkable performance gains and surpasses the best SISO model in all aspects including efficiency, quantity, and quality. We believe our model can serve as a new baseline to facilitate the future research of video prediction tasks. The code will be released.
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预测公路参与者的未来运动对于自动驾驶至关重要,但由于令人震惊的运动不确定性,因此极具挑战性。最近,大多数运动预测方法求助于基于目标的策略,即预测运动轨迹的终点,作为回归整个轨迹的条件,以便可以减少解决方案的搜索空间。但是,准确的目标坐标很难预测和评估。此外,目的地的点表示限制了丰富的道路环境的利用,从而导致预测不准确。目标区域,即可能的目的地区域,而不是目标坐标,可以通过涉及更多的容忍度和指导来提供更软的限制,以搜索潜在的轨迹。考虑到这一点,我们提出了一个新的基于目标区域的框架,名为“目标区域网络”(GANET)进行运动预测,该框架对目标区域进行了建模,而不是确切的目标坐标作为轨迹预测的先决条件,更加可靠,更准确地执行。具体而言,我们建议一个goicrop(目标的目标区域)操作员有效地提取目标区域中的语义巷特征,并在目标区域和模型演员的未来互动中提取语义巷,这对未来的轨迹估计很大。 Ganet在所有公共文献(直到论文提交)中排名第一个,将其源代码排在第一位。
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如图1所示,光学特征识别(OCR)技术已在各种场景中广泛使用。设计实用的OCR系统仍然是一项有意义但具有挑战性的任务。在以前的工作中,考虑到效率和准确性,我们提出了实用的超轻型OCR系统(PP-OCR)和优化的版本PP-OCRV2。为了进一步提高PP-OCRV2的性能,本文提出了更强大的OCR系统PP-OCRV3。 PP-OCRV3基于PP-OCRV2的9个方面升级了文本检测模型和文本识别模型。对于文本检测器,我们引入了一个带有大型接收场LK-PAN的锅模块,该模块是一个名为RSE-FPN的剩余注意机制的FPN模块和DML蒸馏策略。对于文本识别器,基本模型将从CRNN替换为SVTR,我们介绍了轻量级文本识别网络SVTR LCNET,通过注意力进行CTC的指导培训,数据增强策略TextConaug,由自我审查的TextRotnet,UDML和UDML和UDML和UDML和更好的预培训模型。 UIM加速模型并改善效果。实际数据上的实验表明,在可比的推理速度下,PP-OCRV3的Hmean比PP-OCRV2高5%。上述所有上述型号都是开源的,并且代码可在由PaddlePaddle供电的GitHub存储库Paddleocr中可用。
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半监督域的适应性(SSDA)旨在将从完全标记的源域学习的知识应用于几乎没有标记的目标域。在本文中,我们为SSDA提出了一个多级一致性学习(MCL)框架。具体而言,我们的MCL将目标域样本的不同视图的一致性定于三个级别:(i)在域间级别,我们使用基于原型的最佳传输方法来稳健,准确地对齐源和目标域,该方法利用了PROS和PROS和PROS域目标样本不同观点的缺点; (ii)在域内层面上,我们通过提出新颖的班级对比聚类损失来促进歧视性和紧凑的目标特征表示。 (iii)在样本级别,我们遵循标准实践,并通过进行基于一致性的自我训练来提高预测准确性。从经验上,我们验证了MCL框架对三个流行的SSDA基准的有效性,即Visda2017,域名和办公室家庭数据集,实验结果表明我们的MCL框架可以实现最新的性能。
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现实世界图像超分辨率(SR)的关键挑战是在低分辨率(LR)图像中恢复具有复杂未知降解(例如,下采样,噪声和压缩)的缺失细节。大多数以前的作品还原图像空间中的此类缺失细节。为了应对自然图像的高度多样性,他们要么依靠难以训练和容易训练和伪影的不稳定的甘体,要么诉诸于通常不可用的高分辨率(HR)图像中的明确参考。在这项工作中,我们提出了匹配SR(FEMASR)的功能,该功能在更紧凑的特征空间中恢复了现实的HR图像。与图像空间方法不同,我们的FEMASR通过将扭曲的LR图像{\ IT特征}与我们预读的HR先验中的无失真性HR对应物匹配来恢复HR图像,并解码匹配的功能以获得现实的HR图像。具体而言,我们的人力资源先验包含一个离散的特征代码簿及其相关的解码器,它们在使用量化的生成对抗网络(VQGAN)的HR图像上预估计。值得注意的是,我们在VQGAN中结合了一种新型的语义正则化,以提高重建图像的质量。对于功能匹配,我们首先提取由LR编码器组成的LR编码器的LR功能,然后遵循简单的最近邻居策略,将其与预读的代码簿匹配。特别是,我们为LR编码器配备了与解码器的残留快捷方式连接,这对于优化功能匹配损耗至关重要,还有助于补充可能的功能匹配错误。实验结果表明,我们的方法比以前的方法产生更现实的HR图像。代码以\ url {}发布。
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远程时间对齐至关重要,但对视频恢复任务有挑战性。最近,一些作品试图将远程对齐分成几个子对齐并逐步处理它们。虽然该操作有助于建模遥控对应关系,但由于传播机制,误差累积是不可避免的。在这项工作中,我们提出了一种新颖的通用迭代对准模块,其采用逐渐改进方案进行子对准,产生更准确的运动补偿。为了进一步提高对准精度和时间一致性,我们开发了一种非参数重新加权方法,其中每个相邻帧的重要性以用于聚合的空间方式自适应地评估。凭借拟议的策略,我们的模型在一系列视频恢复任务中实现了多个基准测试的最先进的性能,包括视频超分辨率,去噪和去束性。我们的项目可用于\ url {https:/}。
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